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Change The Source
A cheap mind brings a cheap life A rich mind brings a rich life These thoughts can bounce, burst, or break These thoughts can inspire,...

First it was smoking And I was cool like the adults Then it was drinking And then I felt like myself Then it was skateboarding And I felt...

Why I Write Poetry
In more recent years I have become much more contemplative. I have always had a curious mind, even at a young age, but right now my mind...

Right now I feel like a demon Masquerading as a saint With an abundance of power and influence But is mine a tainted soul? A lost soul?...

Write It All Down
Write it all down he said Write it down and it will disappear No more worries, no more fear I am conflicted, and it is not just A mistake...

Worlds Within Worlds
Some are creating worlds for themselves Worlds within worlds And theirs is a reality you subscribe to But never question their reality...

Desperation is a stench you detect from a mile away It drips like sweat Revealing all instantaneously You cannot hide your desperation...

It Can't Always Go Your Way
It can't always go your way It can't always be your day When it's all going wrong And the days are suddenly long Remember this, it's just...

I Have
I think therefore I have Maybe not one day from now Maybe not one month from now Perhaps not even a year from now But I have, or I will...

The Voice At The Back Of Your Mind
The voice at the back of your mind Driving you mad The doubts that cling to you, like bacteria The cold, dark moment when you contemplate...
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